The Personal Insurance Federation of Florida is launching a 60-second radio ad explaining how assignment of benefits, or AOB, “rewards few at the expense of many.” PIFF and other insurance groups are hoping the Legislature changes the law to significantly curb AOB lawsuits, which stem from policyholders signing over their insurance benefits to attorneys or contractors in exchange for a quick repair. Those parties often attempt to collect inflated repair fees through the courts. “Floridians who have been impacted by a storm don’t deserve to be victimized a second time by shady home repair contractors and lawyers out to make a buck,” the ad says. “To the contractors doing it right, thank you. But we need to put an end to the exploitation of a loophole in Florida law that motivates bad actors to line their pockets and scam Floridians. It’s called assignment of benefits abuse.”
“Insurance group explains AOB in new radio campaign”
Florida Politics – Sunburn, by Peter Schorsch, March 7, 2019