Officials Gather Over Flood Insurance

Monroe County Mayor Heather Carruthers was among a group of elected officials and insurance advocates who gathered Friday in Tallahassee to begin to formulate a statewide campaign to battle rising flood insurance rates. Carruthers is the co-chair of the Florida Association of Counties Federal Committee, which reviews federal legislation for impacts on Florida counties. The…

Lawmakers: Regulation Will Ensure Umpires Make The Right Call—On Insurance Appraisals

Lawmakers are looking into new rules for umpires. No, not that kind—property insurance appraisal umpires. If you’re wondering what in the world a property insurance appraisal umpire could be. Don’t worry. You’re not the only one who’s confused. Lawmakers in the Senate Regulated Industries Committee spent more than an hour questioning the Rep. Frank Artiles…

AOB Fraud and Abuse: Suspicious Activity is a Pocketbook Problem for Florida Families

The most recent edition of the Florida Chamber of Commerce’s exclusive member newsletter Chamber Insider highlights efforts to help consumers fight fraud and abuse associated with Assignment of Benefits (AOB). While AOB is a legal tool that can be used appropriately, it also provides an opportunity for shady repair companies to partner with trial attorneys…

Low Interest Rates, Diminishing Reserves Will Continue to Challenge Property/Casualty Insurers in 2016, Say CEOs at Joint Industry Forum

NEW YORK, January 19, 2016 — A panel of prominent property/casualty insurance executives forecast a challenging 2016, as the diminishing tailwinds of reserve releases struggle against headwinds of low interest rates. The five senior executives gave their forecast and other market insights at the 20th annual Property/Casualty Joint Industry Forum, held here on January 12,…

Scientists: El Niño May Boost Tornadoes

Scientists: El Niño may boost tornadoes By Kimberly Miller Palm Beach Post Staff Writer The lights flickered as skies spiked with thunder and lightning near Yvette Hicks’ Cape Coral home on Saturday.She went for a candle, but the kitchen window exploded before she could even strike a match. Everything went black.Outside, in the darkness that…

Rebates and benefits: Beware of fraud

Tell Mel: Rebates and benefits: Beware of fraud MELANIE PAYNE, TELLMEL@NEWS-PRESS.COM 7:02 a.m. EST January 13, 2016 Today’s column is an emergency read for anyone whose home was damaged by Saturday’s tornado and must-read for anyone who might ever have to file a claim on their homeowner’s insurance. The first warning is about contractors offering to rebate…